i want to lose 1 kg in 1 day give me some fast advice??

Beauty ForumCategory: Weight Loss Related Problemsi want to lose 1 kg in 1 day give me some fast advice??
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
Well it is very hard to lose 1 kg in 1 day and also it’s not good for health.But you can lose 1 kg in 3 days only if you follow these exercise and diet for 3 days. 1. Do 20 sit ups in a day. Hold the seated position for 5 second for every situp.This reduces fat from your thighs. 2.Do kapalbhati yoga for 400 times to burn belly fat. 3.Do 30 Ab crunches to strengthen your core and flatten your belly. 4.Whenever you feel thirsty drink warm water. 5.Drink a glass of warm lemon water  30 minutes before having your breakfast and lunch. 6.Try to consume foods that are high in fiber and protein as they keep you full for long hours. 8.Sip green tea 2 times in a day.Green tea contains antioxidants that fights body fat and help you slim down fast. Hope u find these tips useful 🙂 Â