10 Incredible Beauty Uses of Turmeric


Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa is a powerful medicinal herb and one of the main ingredient in your kitchen, that is used for adding flavor and bright yellow color to the curry.It has been highly used for centuries in Ayurvedic beauty care and health care.Turmeric has countless health and beauty uses.Let’s find out 10 incredible beauty uses of turmeric and its benefits.

Here are the 10 incredible beauty uses of turmeric

1.Turmeric for Customizing Foundation Shade


Turmeric powder can be used for adjusting foundation to match golden, yellow, olive and peach undertones.It gives the skin a natural color and glow.Simply mix a pinch of turmeric powder to your liquid foundation to get your desired shade.


2.Turmeric Homemade Fairness Soap

To prepare turmeric soap you need unused glycerin bar soap, turmeric powder, lemon juice and baking soda.Grate 1/4th of the soap using a knife.Take a small heatproof bowl, pour 1/4th cup of water and the grated soap powder into it.Place on the stove over a low flame. Once the soap powder starts to dissolve and the mixture slightly thickens, remove the container from the flame.Add 2 tbsp of turmeric, 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tsp of baking soda to the soap mixture.Mix well and pour this mixture to any desired soap tray of your choice.Allow it to completely cool for 2 hours and your soap is ready.

Check out this fairness face pack video.It makes your skin very fair and youthful. 


3.Turmeric Anti-Ageing Tea


Turmeric contains many skin benefiting compounds.One of the most important compound is curcumin that shows antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.Make your morning cup of green tea more healthy by adding 2 tbsp of turmeric and honey.Turmeric detoxifies your liver, fight free radicals that cause oxidative damage and ageing.


4.Turmeric as Natural Hair Dye

dying your hair

Naturally die your hair in just few minutes with turmeric powder.To prepare this hair dye follow the below recipe.

Ingredients – Henna powder, turmeric and lemon juice.

1.Place a cup of henna powder in a bowl, add 1 tsp of turmeric, 1/2 squeezed lime juice and 2 cups of hot water. Combine all the ingredients into a smooth paste and soak overnight.In the morning apply this paste to your clean, dry hair.Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse using lukewarm water.It gives your hair a natural, yellow golden color to your hair.


5.Turmeric for Lightening Facial Hair

skin lightening face mask

Facial hair bleaching creams are harsh for the skin and can cause skin irritation and dryness.Here is a homemade turmeric bleach that you easily prepare at home with just few basic stuffs from your kitchen.Make a paste of 1 tbsp of turmeric, 1 tbsp of lime juice, 2 tbsp of tomato juice and 2 tbsp of honey.Mix well and apply this mixture onto your clean face.Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.This remedy naturally lightens your facial hair and enhances your skin tone.


6.Turmeric Lip Balm for Pigmented and Dark Lips

lip balm

Naturally condition and lighten your dark, dull and pigmented lips with this homemade turmeric lip balm.To prepare this balm you require 1 tsp of turmeric, 3 drops of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of shea butter and 1 tbsp of almond oil.Mix well and store them in a lip balm jar.Take a small amount of this lip balm on your finger tips and massage onto your lips.Do before you go to bed.This nourishes and lightens your dark lips, relieve roughness and restore softness.


7.Turmeric Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the major problems faced by both men and women.Hectic lifestyle and stress are the major causes that lead to hair loss.Turmeric contains a component curcumin that is found to promote faster hair growth and reduce hair fall.Simply, mix turmeric with coconut milk and 1 tbsp of honey and apply on your roots and hair.Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse using lukewarm water.


8.Turmeric as Skin Whitening Face Mask

It’s been over centuries that turmeric has been used as a beauty aid to enhance skin fairness.Here is a simple turmeric face mask recipe that you can try to whiten your complexion and make your skin blemish-free and smooth.To prepare this face mask combine 1 tbsp of turmeric with 2 tbsp of milk cream and 1 tbsp of gram flour into a smooth paste.Apply the pack on your face and neck.Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
9.Turmeric for Sparkling White Teeth


Yes, turmeric can give you that beautiful pearly white smile.Make a paste of turmeric by adding a few drops of lime juice and salt.Mix a pea-sized amount of this paste to your normal toothpaste and brush your teeth.It gets rid of the bacteria on your teeth, prevents cavities, removes stubborn stains on your teeth and naturally whitens your teeth.


10.Turmeric to Remove Dandruff

Turmeric can give you a healthy, dandruff free scalp.Apply a mixture of coconut oil and turmeric on your scalp.Let it stay for 20 minutes and then rinse using lukewarm water.Turmeric contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties that kills bacteria and fungus that causes dandruff, treat scalp disorders and gives you a healthy and nourished scalp.



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