Home How to lighten the skin tone

How to lighten the skin tone

Beauty ForumCategory: Skin Care ProblemsHow to lighten the skin tone
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
Follow these remedies and tips to lighten your skin tone
1.Blend cucumber slices into a smooth paste, add 1 tbsp of honey and 2 tbsp of lemon juice.Apply this pack on your face and leave for about 20 minutes.Rinse using cool water.Excellent face mask for dull, tired skin.It instantly refreshes and lightens your skin tone.It also fades away dark spots and other blemishes.
2. Gently massage  a mixture of 1 tbsp of aloevera gel and  2 tbsp of papaya paste onto your wet face.Massge using your fingertips in circular and upward movements.Do it for 10 minutes.Rinse using cold water.
3.Regularly wipe your face with cold milk for 2 to 3 minutes.
4.Apply a skin whitening egg  mask.Take an egg white, mix few drops of lemon juice and apply to your face.Leave until it dries completely and then gently remove the mask in upward direction.Rinse with cold water.
5.Apply potato juice mask, blend potato slices and sugar into a smooth paste using little water.Strain the juice into a bowl.Place the juice into the refrigerator for 1 hour.Apply this cold juice on your clean face.Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse using cool water.This mask brightens your skin tone naturally. Hope you find this information useful 🙂 🙂