Home How to reduce my neck darkness?

How to reduce my neck darkness?

Beauty ForumCategory: Skin Care ProblemsHow to reduce my neck darkness?
Anonymous asked 5 years ago

HI 🙂 I read all ur beauty tips its good and economic..I have neck darkness for past one year.My neck colour is completely different from my face and chest area.It looks as if im wearing a black band around my neck…Its so embarrassing too :(……Whatever i wear around my neck (ie any jewel) it doesnt appeal because of this darkness….I thought of getting a chemical peel or consult a dermatologist…but before that want to give a try for homemade remedy…..Can u suggest me any Effective remedy for my problem?

1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 5 years ago
to get rid of dark neck ..follow this remedy 1.take some baking soda mixed with lemon juice and chickpea flour and apply a thick paste. wash off with cool water. 

2nd remedy – Blend fresh orange peels with little rose water and mix a tbsp of honey and apply, for fairness add a tsp of turmeric powder.follow this for a week nd do before taking bath..