Home My face is oily and i getting pimples a lot.and dark patches and small black circles in lips.and i want to get rid of it?

My face is oily and i getting pimples a lot.and dark patches and small black circles in lips.and i want to get rid of it?

Beauty ForumCategory: Skin Care ProblemsMy face is oily and i getting pimples a lot.and dark patches and small black circles in lips.and i want to get rid of it?
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
I want to know home remedies.i am in india
2 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
To remove pimples and dark patches follow these remedies..
1.Add lemon juice to 1 cup of ice cold water, rinse your face using this lemon ice cold water.Wash 2 to 3 times a day.It reduces dark patches and tanned skin.
2.Take aloe vera gel mix 1 tbsp of honey and gently massage on the affected areas for 10 minutes.Rinse with cold water.Aloe Vera and honey soothes the redness of a pimple and lightens dark patches.
3.Apply a fresh neem leaves paste to the affected area for 10 minutes.Neem contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that kills bacteria that causes pimples and acne.
4.To remove black marks from the lips massage 1 tbsp of pure ghee, few drops of lemon  juice and 1 tsp of honey.Massage gently on your lips and leave it overnight. 🙂 🙂
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
To remove pimples and dark patches follow these remedies..
1.Add lemon juice to 1 cup of ice cold water, rinse your face using this lemon ice cold water.Wash 2 to 3 times a day.It reduces dark patches and tanned skin.
2.Take aloe vera gel mix 1 tbsp of honey and gently massage on the affected areas for 10 minutes.Rinse with cold water.Aloe Vera and honey soothes the redness of a pimple and lightens dark patches.
3.Apply a fresh neem leaves paste to the affected area for 10 minutes.Neem contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that kills bacteria that causes pimples and acne.
4.To remove black marks from the lips massage 1 tbsp of pure ghee, few drops of lemon  juice and 1 tsp of honey.Massage gently on your lips and leave it overnight. 🙂 🙂