Home how to get rid of brown spots

how to get rid of brown spots

Beauty ForumCategory: All Other Beauty Questionshow to get rid of brown spots
Anonymous asked 5 years ago
I have pigmentation and brown spots on cheeks and upper lips plz suggest remedy
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 5 years ago
To get rid of brown spots or any dark spots follow these top remedies.
1.Apply a mixture of cabbage juice and honey ..leave for 15 mins and then rinse.Cabbage juice and honey both are equally effective in eliminating dark spots.
2.Mix aloe vera with a dash of lemon juice and massage onto the affected area for 5 mins and then wipe with a wet cotton pad.
3.Blend tomato with neem leaves to a fine paste.Clean and steam ur face before applying the pack.Leave for 10 min’s and then wash off with cool water.
Try this for 7 to 8 days and share the result ..:) 🙂