Home how to lighten dark lips

how to lighten dark lips

Beauty Forumhow to lighten dark lips
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
my lips are vry dark and rough.In winter it becomes more worse, it starts cracking and peeling.Can u plz tell me how to soften my lips and make it pink.
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
For pink soft lips in winter try out this remedies
1.Take slices of beetroot and rub on your lips for 2 minutes.Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse.It naturally lightens dark lips.
2.Massage pure ghee mix with vitamin e oil on your lips.Do this before going to bed.It reveals petal soft, smooth pink lips.
3.Blend carrot with little milk cream and apply on your lips.Leave for 20 min and then rinse.
Follow these remedies for upto 1 week to lighten your lips and reveal soft, luscious pink lips.