Home how to clear dandruff

how to clear dandruff

Beauty ForumCategory: Hair Treatmenthow to clear dandruff
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
in winter season i suffer from dandruff and also lot of hair fall.so mam suggest some remedies for dandruff.
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
Here are the remedies that you must follow to get rid of dandruff and hair fall. 1.Take one aspirin crush to a fine powder and mix it with your favorite shampoo and then wash your hair.Aspirin contains salicylic acid that treats flaky or dandruff scalp. 2.Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with few drops lime juice and rub onto your scalp.This kills the fungi that causes dandruff. 3.Apply a coconut and banana oil hair mask – blend ripe banana into a smooth paste, add 4 tbsp of coconut oil.Massage this mixture on your scalp and then let it stay for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.Do not rinse your hair with shampoo on the same day.This hair mask moisturizes and nourishes dry, flaky scalp and removes dandruff..  4.Exfoliate your scalp with salt and aloe vera gel.Mix  2 tbsp of salt with 4 tbsp of aloe vera gel.gently massage this mixture on your wet scalp for about 4 minutes and then rinse using lukewarm water.This scrub washes away the flaky crust of dead cells on your scalp and aloe vera gel soothes and calms your itchy scalp.  Try this remedies for a week to prevent dandruff and stop hair fall.  🙂 🙂