Home How to get rid of hyperpigmentation or melasma

How to get rid of hyperpigmentation or melasma

Beauty ForumCategory: Skin Care ProblemsHow to get rid of hyperpigmentation or melasma
Anonymous asked 4 years ago
I have hyperpigmentation or melasma on my cheek bone, upper lips AND upper side of eyebrows too.plz tell me any ideas to get rid of that problem.
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
Follow these tips nd remedies to get rid of hyperpigmentation
1.daily cleanse ur skin neem water.simply boil neem leaves in a bowl of water.Store this in the refrigerator n use when required.
2.make a paste of yoghurt & turmeric and apply on the skin.
3.Sandalwood paste is effective in reducing hyperpigmentation.
4.Apply fresh cucumber juice mix with a tsp of lemon juice..it really works ..
5.wear sunscreen whenever u stepped out of house.
6.Consume plenty of water nd stay away from oily and sugary foods .. 🙂