Home for fairness

for fairness

Anonymous asked 4 years ago
my face skin is black …so i try to make if fairer
1 Answers
sneha snigdha Staff answered 4 years ago
Any remedies can’t make you fairer if you have pretty dark skin tone but it can help lighten your skin tone to a great extent.Just follow these remedies regularly.
1.Daily wipe your face with cold raw milk.Cold milk contains amazing skin whitening nutrients that intensify your skin tone.
2.Twice in a week exfoliate your skin to get rid of dull, dead rough cells from the skin surface.You can use mixture of brown sugar and olive oil or oats mix with yogurt to exfoliate your skin.
3.Weekly apply a turmeric pack – Mix a tsp of turmeric powder with a tsp of besan and malai and apply.Leave until it dries completely and then rinse off by rubbing in circular motion.
4.After removing makeup at night follow these 3 steps – 1.Rub an ice cube for 1 to 2 minutes. 2.Moist a cotton ball with rose water and wipe your skin 3.Mix  a tsp of lemon juice and vitamin e oil to your moisturizer and then massage onto your skin.
Follow this to discover clear, fair and smooth skin naturally. 🙂